Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Today I am not going to post about living up north... Today is my baby boy's 6th birthday. I am in awe that six years have past since he was born.

Each time either of my kids have a birthday, I find myself thinking back to where I was on the day they were born, at certain times during the day... Maria was born at night after 4 hours of labour and I can still remember the day leading up to her birth (going to the Dr. in the morning, having lunch with my Mom and Irene, watching Tony Parsons on the news, falling asleep on the couch and waking up to my water breaking!).
Allan was born at 8am after less than two hours of labour. So for him I recall lifting up Maria at 6am and feeling my water break, the contractions started about 15 minutes later.

I can remember being quite mad at Anne because she wanted to have a shower before we left for the hospital (I was in labour! There is no logic!) I also remember arriving at the hospital and only having about 1/2 hour until he was born.

So my day of recollection for Allan's birth is over by 8 am... from there my day of recollection gets difficult.
Most days, I forget that Allan ever had anything wrong with him. He is such a happy, healthy, active, smart and charming little boy. But on his birthday I re-live it a little bit and the re-run lasts for a little more than a month, until the day we got to go home from the hospital. That was a day of pure joy and excitement and sunshine and Maria's crazy curls and Allan's gaunt little shaved head and Suki being ecstatic and Michael and I finally able to relax and celebrate our new addition to our family.

That said, today IS Allan's birthday and we will be having fun and celebrating the big boy that he is turning into and trying to grant him a few wishes along the way.

Happy birthday my little man, I love you.

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